Tunisian President sacks government
- Integrity Education, Delhi
- 27, Jul 2021
- Tunisia is the northernmost country in Africa.
- It is a part of the Maghreb region of North Africa
- Currency: Tunisian dinar
- Capital: Tunis
- Bordering Countries: Algeria, Libya
- Sea Coast: Mediterranean Sea
Political System of Tunisia
- The President acts as head of state and exercises executive authority along with the prime minister and cabinet.
- The president is directly elected for a five-year term and may be reelected only once.
Arab Spring in Tunisia
- Jasmine Revolution, popular uprising in Tunisia that protested against corruption, poverty, and political repression and forced Pres. Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali to step down in January 2011.
- The success of the uprising, which came to be known in the media as the “Jasmine Revolution,” inspired a wave of similar protests throughout the Middle East and North Africa known as the Arab Spring.