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Compensation for Covid-19 deaths: Is it compulsory ?

  • Integrity Education, Delhi
  • 23, Jun 2021
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  • Section 12(iii) of the Disaster Management Act says the National Authority shall recommend guidelines for the minimum standards of relief to be provided to persons affected by disaster, which shall include “ex gratia assistance on account of loss of life as also assistance on account of damage to houses and for restoration of means of livelihood”
  • the Centre declared Covid-19 as a notified disaster under the Disaster Management Act
  • Current norms for ex gratia payment to families of deceased persons- Rs 4 lakh per deceased person
  • Ex gratia is Latin for "by favour", and is most often used in a legal context. When something has been done ex gratia, it has been done voluntarily, out of kindness or grace.

Issues with ex gratia compensation with Covid-19 deaths

  • There is no scheme to pay compensation to families of deceased due to corona virus (COVID-19)
  • Centre has decided to treat it as a notified disaster for the purpose of providing assistance under the State Disaster Response Fund to all states for certain items: measures for quarantine for sample collection and screening; procurement of essential equipment/labs; and relief measures such as temporary accommodation, food, clothing, and medical care.